As a service to members in good standing and to help you avoid the fees that may be charged by third parties for "bad" checks, we may, at our sole discretion, approve your reasonable overdrafts up to a dollar amount (inclusive of fees). A fee will be charged for every non-sufficient fund (NSF) item regardless of whether we pay it or return it.
You should know that we are not obligated to cover any item presented for payment if your account does not contain sufficient collected and/or available funds. Furthermore, service charges assessed against a check or checks, or any other request for funds made upon your account, does not obligate us to pay said request for funds. Nor does it obligate us to provide prior written notice of our decision to refuse payment.
It is the obligation of the credit union to operate in accordance with all applicable safety and soundness standards. If you issue a check or make a transaction for funds exceeding what is available in your account, you are responsible to the credit union for the amount of any overdraft and applicable fees immediately, without notice or demand from the credit union, in accordance with the terms of your account.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss more details of the Ardent Courtesy Pay program, please call us today at 1-800-806.9465.
As a service to members in good standing and to help you avoid the fees that may be charged by third parties for "bad" checks, we may, at our sole discretion, approve your reasonable overdrafts up to a dollar amount (inclusive of fees). A fee will be charged for every non-sufficient fund (NSF) item regardless of whether we pay it or return it.
You should know that we are not obligated to cover any item presented for payment if your account does not contain sufficient collected and/or available funds. Furthermore, service charges assessed against a check or checks, or any other request for funds made upon your account, does not obligate us to pay said request for funds. Nor does it obligate us to provide prior written notice of our decision to refuse payment.
It is the obligation of the credit union to operate in accordance with all applicable safety and soundness standards. If you issue a check or make a transaction for funds exceeding what is available in your account, you are responsible to the credit union for the amount of any overdraft and applicable fees immediately, without notice or demand from the credit union, in accordance with the terms of your account.
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss more details of the Ardent Courtesy Pay program, please call us today at 1-800-806.9465.